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  • 1 Simple Tip For Stress Management

1 Simple Tip For Stress Management

It's temporary.

One of the fun things about wearing my Apple Watch is that I can track physiological responses to acute periods of stress. This was my last few weeks:

Work picked up.

Our washing machine died.

I recorded an extra podcast.

Our house was renovated.

StubHub was holding $1200 hostage from me.

One podcast got delayed due to editing issues.

My wife and I were living in separate places.

Our little was born.

He has been less than cooperative for the first couple days.

In what should be no surprise, my resting heart rate has been 7-10 bpm above baseline every day.

Anxiety over pain or hardship functions the same way. When you're in the thick of stress, it can feel endless. But what if I told you there was a subtle yet powerful tool to help manage this pain?

Knowing the end date.

Take labor pain.

Have I mentioned my wife is an absolute fucking rockstar yet?

My wife gave birth to our first son on Wednesday.

Her biggest concern during the whole process? Not knowing how long it would last.

Is it 3 more hours or 20? She wanted a defined end date.

I’m learning intimately and immediately the hardships of early childhood come with their own challenges. Many sleepless nights.

These too have an end date. I don’t know if it’s 6 months from now or 2 years from now but eventually every child sleeps through the night.

Consider the emotional toll of a breakup.

It feels like the world is collapsing around you. I remember, the nights spent wondering about the right and wrong decisions. Yet, over time, the pain fades. The heartache has an end date.

Or a tough workout. You want to die halfway through, but it’s over in 90 minutes. Each session ends, your body recovers, and strength builds. The temporary discomfort leads to long-term growth.

Understanding that my stressors are temporary has been a massive unlock for me. It doesn't make the pain disappear, but it frames it in a manageable context.

Remember the seasonality of life. Each season has a different challenge, some easier, some harder.

But, you’ve made it through the last 7 seasons. Stop stressing that this season of your life is going to be season 8 of Game of Thrones. If you’re reading this, your life will never be that bad.

Next time you find yourself overwhelmed, remember: this too shall pass.

View your challenges as temporary and manageable.


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