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  • 15 Wild Statistics You Should Care About

15 Wild Statistics You Should Care About

Be happier and live longer.

  1. Why resistance training is better than cardio: Men who can do 40 push-ups or more have a 96 percent reduced risk of heart disease compared with men who could do less than 10 push-ups. The mortality gap between the bottom 25% of exercise fitness and top 2%: 400%

  2. Why “gender norms” aren’t a bad thing: 84% of working women told ForbesWoman that staying home to raise children is a financial luxury they aspire to... more than 1 in 3 resent their partner for not earning enough to make that dream a reality.

  3. Why the dating market is in trouble: 45% of men age 18-25 have never approached a woman in person.

  4. Why shotgun weddings existed: 74% of unmarried mothers and 90% of unmarried fathers said they believed their chances of marrying the other parent were 50% or better. But by their child's fifth birthday, only a third of unmarried parents were still together.

  5. How compassion can backfire: Study finds that Oregon's drug decriminalization led to a 23% increase in the number of unintentional drug overdose deaths relative to a synthetic control.

  6. Exercise should be prescribed for depression: A meta-analysis of 41 studies determined that exercise is as effective as medicine in treating depression.

  7. How to be in the top 5% of men: If you’re average height, not obese and make $100,000 a year you are in the top 4.5% of men in America.

  8. Why to leave your phone in the house: 47% of Americans admit to addiction to their phone.

  9. The #1 case for marriage: Being married is the most important differentiator with a 30-percentage point happy-unhappy gap over the unmarried.

  10. The Friendship Recession: 15% of men have 0 close friends, up from 3% in 1990.

  11. The Headline-Death Gap: 67% of deaths are from heart disease, cancer, and road incidents. 69% of headline deaths are terrorism, homicide or suicide, deaths that make up less than 2.7% of all mortality.

  12. Big Brother is watching you: 30% of Americans under 30 support the installation of cameras in the home to monitor for ‘wrongdoing’.

  13. Why you should have more children: For every 100 Koreans, there will be 4.3 great-grandchildren. We are looking at a 96% extinction rate within the next century. If there was a disease that did that, we would freak out. The world lost it over a disease that killed 1-2% of people. We need to take the fertility crisis much more seriously.

  14. School is bad for your kids’ mental health: Students are 30-95% more likely to visit the ER for mental health related causes (depression and suicidal thoughts) during a school semester than they are during summer months or holidays.

  15. Climate change is not the same as a climate apocalypse: Climate related disaster deaths are down 98% over the last 100 years.


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