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  • 23 Useful Lessons Everyone Wishes They Knew at 18

23 Useful Lessons Everyone Wishes They Knew at 18

But are still applicable at any age!

  1. Regardless of previous relationships you should place 100% of your trust in a new partner. Any less is seeking failure.

  2. Shyness and introversion are not the same thing. Being shy is a weakness that is standing in the way of success, not a personality trait.

  3. Stop doing things you suck at. Conventional wisdom tells you to improve your weaknesses, this is wrong. Find what you’re good at and become the best at it.

  4. Forgive your parents. They did the best with what they had, and it was actually better than you thought.

  5. Trying to go through life without failing is like trying to eat chicken wings with a knife and fork. You can’t do it and you miss out on the whole experience.

  6. Perfectionism is procrastination masquerading as quality control. - Chris Williamson

  7. If you can’t make a decision between two options, flip a coin. You’ll know the answer you wanted before the coin hits the table.

  8. Marriage is hard work, but it’s worth it. The second half of your life gets really lonely without connection and familial relationships.

  9. Find mentors. They’re the cheat code for career advancement.

  10. No one cares about you. Outside family and a closest friend, no one cares. This isn’t sad, it’s freeing. Don’t make life decisions based on the opinions of people that don’t care about you.

  11. Compound interest is cool. If you invest $100 a month until you turn 65 you’ll have over $1,000,000.

  12. If it won’t matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it.

  13. All the people that you think have it figured out are just as lost as you. Despite the board game you played as a kid, no one wins at the game of life. Just appreciate moving your piece around the board for a while and hopefully you enjoy the people you’re playing with.

  14. Set boundaries and learn to say no. No one else will respect your time as much as you do.

  15. Consistency is way more important than intensity. If you make a 1% improvement each day, in one year you’ll be 37 times better than the day you started.

  16. Learn the math you never did in school, financial literacy. It’s the only one that is going to make a difference in your life.

  17. Good or bad: You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

  18. Wealth isn’t a fancy house or 3 vacations a year. Wealth is having breakfast with your family at 10:30am every Tuesday.

  19. Your college degree means a lot less than you think it does.

  20. You can always find something to be grateful for. It’s the secret to happiness.

  21. You are 100% responsible for the outcome of your life. You can’t control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you react.

  22. The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them. If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough. - Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

  23. Never. Stop. Learning.


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