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  • 33 Uncomfortable Truths To Help You Win At Life

33 Uncomfortable Truths To Help You Win At Life

The tough love you need to hear...

  1. If you’re easily offended, you have too much free time.

  2. Marrying the right person is the most important decision you will ever make.

  3. Bragging about how much you work isn’t a good thing. You suck at prioritizing.

  4. Most 40 hour work weeks could be replaced by 10-20 hours of focused work.

  5. You don’t need to read another book about how to do it. You just need to do it.

  6. Very few people become successful while watching the news.

  7. Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.

  8. If your friends aren’t improving with you it’s time for new friends.

  9. There are 0 skills taught at university that will make you wealthy.

  10. There has never been a better time to be alive than right now. And, you have never had more opportunities to be successful.

  11. Working hard will improve your life more than voting for someone you think will improve it.

  12. Trying to be a moral arbiter online from your iPhone that was built with slave labour is a bad look.

  13. Happiness is a choice.

  14. Minimum wage jobs at the companies you hate have lifted more people out of poverty than the government.

  15. Most of your problems can be solved by doing less, not more.

  16. It is your ethical duty to be healthy physically, emotionally and financially for your family.

  17. One of the best ways to remain broke is to complain about rich people. Learn from them instead.

  18. Stop arguing with people online. Even if you win, you lose.

  19. Invest 15% of your income in an S&P500 index fund for 30 years and don’t ever think about it. You’ll have millions of dollars.

  20. No one has ever succeeded by being a victim.

  21. Nothing good happens after 2am. But, good things do happen before 8am.

  22. 85% of what you worry about literally never happens.

  23. You will never get wealthy by trading your time for money. You must own something that increases in value.

  24. You’re more likely to become a millionaire as a school teacher than an entrepreneur.

  25. The answer to your growth is volume. Write 100 more ads, play 500 more songs, do 5000 more pushups, record 250 more videos.

  26. 80% of your problems can be solved by 20% of your habits.

  27. The world owes you nothing, it was here first.

  28. If you don’t know what you want, no one can give it to you. Define your dream life.

  29. Who you know is more important than what you know.

  30. It’s a lot easier to learn things while listening than it is while talking.

  31. You can become competent at anything in 20 hours. Most people wait a decade to start their first hour.

  32. Most people work a job they hate, to buy things they don’t need, to impress people they don’t like.

  33. You probably don’t need therapy. You just need to feel needed.

This week’s newsletter was inspired by a Twitter thread from @SteveOnSpeed.


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