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  • 4 AI Tools To Save You 10 Hours This Week (Plus Bonus Tools)

4 AI Tools To Save You 10 Hours This Week (Plus Bonus Tools)

Catch up on the world of AI Tools

The world of AI has exploded in the last 3 months.

The world is going to fundamentally change based on this technology.

AI technology is only going to improve from this point forward. Here are some things that AI models can already do.

  1. Score in the top 10% of law students passing the BAR.

  2. Score in the top 15% of medical residents on their licensing exam.

  3. Prepare tax returns.

Imagine replacing your doctor, accountant and lawyer… with Siri. It’s going to happen. More than that, it will be better. It has access to your personal data to give hyper-specific recommendations.

Don’t fall behind on this learning curve.

Here are some tools to save you 10 hours this week:


Merlin is a chrome extension that can summarize videos, webpages and provide access to ChatGPT while browsing anywhere on the web. It has access to GPT-4, OpenAI’s best language model.


Lex is a word processing tool like Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Except, it has GPT-4 built into the word processor. This tool can solve any writers block and help you blaze through any writing project you have. It should be noted that Google and Microsoft have announced this functionality being added natively to their products soon.

Dr Gupta

Different than the rest but the most life-changing on the list for some people. Dr Gupta is built by a team that includes Martin Shkreli — the guy that everyone hated because he raised the price of Daraprim. This product solves 3 massive problems.

  1. Even the best doctors can’t know everything! Dr Gupta is a language model that is trained on a vast amounts of medical literature (more than any human could ever process or remember).

  2. 90% of healthcare costs are attributed to physician’s billing hours according to Shkreli. His aim is to eliminate the need for doctors in 50 years. Even eliminating a fraction of this could lead to billions of dollars in healthcare savings!

  3. Access to Dr Gupta is global. That means people in rural Philippines will soon have access to the best medical knowledge in the USA. Something they would never receive from a local doctor.

Snack Prompt

Companies are about to start paying upwards of $200,000 per year for highly skilled Prompt Engineers. Snack Prompt aims to crowdsource the best AI prompts and put them in one place. The quality of the answers we get back from these current AI tools is only as good as the prompts we put in. Garbage in, garbage out.

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The Refinery + Bonus Tools

  1. Introducing Martin’s New Company: Dr. Gupta AI - My First Million Podcast

  2. Future Tools - A database of other AI tools for every niche

  3. ChatPDF - Pull any information from large PDF files or books

  4. PraxyAI - The best AI Chrome extension for students

  5. RoomGPT - An interior designer in your pocket

  6. GymGenie - Personalized workout and diet plans based on your goals and statistics

  7. to teach_ - Teachers and Homeschoolers new best friend, generate personalized class materials


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