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  • 4 Reasons You're Still Single (That You Don't Want To Hear)

4 Reasons You're Still Single (That You Don't Want To Hear)

And how to fix them.

I’ve always been a big proponent of an internal locus of control. Getting angry at the universe, or worse, the girls you’re trying to date is a losing strategy.

I’ll break down the 4 reasons you’re still single, what you can do about it and what is waiting for you on the other side. How do I know the answer to any of these?

I lived them.

Fix these 4 things and I guarantee women will start chasing you instead of the other way around.

You’re Unattractive

This one is the most obvious of the 4 and you can just take it at face value.

The good news is, as a guy being conventionally attractive isn't the only way to be attractive. There are many things that you can do that increase your attractiveness:

  • Build muscle

  • Have a good job

  • Have a good social network

  • Be confident

  • Be comedic

  • Dress well

  • Build wealth

I’m a solid 6.5 on a good day and I married a girl that looks like Taylor Swift because I had a multiple other things going for me!

You’re Desperate

If you’re desperate, your date can tell they are the only worthwhile thing in your life. Women want to date men who are successful in multiple domains (see Reason 1).

This expresses itself is through the texting games you play when you first get into a relationship. Waiting 3 days to text, waiting the same amount of time to text them back after they text you.

Stop playing games. Text her back when you want to text her back.

Here’s the catch: you can’t be staring at your phone waiting for her to text you.

Go live your life, enjoy your hobbies, hang out with the guys, workout uninterrupted.

If you ever think to yourself, “should I wait to text her back?” You’ve already lost.

You’re Aloof

Be direct and set boundaries. I promise you there is nothing more attractive to a woman looking for a relationship, than telling her that’s what you want on the first date.

Are some women going to scoff at you? Maybe.

Do you want to build a life with someone who does? Absolutely fucking not.

If you’re looking for advice on how to get laid you’re in the wrong spot.

I’ve ended multiple relationships because the girl I was seeing had no interest in pursuing a long term relationship.

You’re Looking In The Wrong Place

You can buy the best looking lure in the store and you still won’t catch fish in the water fountain at the mall.

Stop looking here:

Start looking here:

  • Friends of friends

  • Hobby clubs

  • The gym (just don’t be rude)

I met my wife on a blind date that was set up by one of my best friend’s stepmoms. Getting set up, the method for most of dating history, solves the vetting required to figure out if she is a good person. It also imposes social consequences for everyone if things fail unnaturally.

As always, the tools are simple. Let this be the reminder you need to change your dating fortunes.


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