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  • Here's My Exact Plan If I Had To Start Over At 18

Here's My Exact Plan If I Had To Start Over At 18

Spoiler Alert: It's mostly the same

This week’s newsletter is prompted by a DM I got this week on Twitter. I think a lot of young guys could benefit from the retelling of my story and it’s included advice.

Here's the great news…

  1. Most people at age 18 are thinking about what their party schedule looks like for the next 4 years. You're thinking much farther ahead.

  2. You have a metric shitload of time. Use it.

Here's some tactical advice on what I'd do if I was you right now:

  1. If you haven't already, move out, get some roommates and job working somewhere within walking distance of your place. This is just money so you can pay your rent, food and have a little cushion.

    1. I was a cashier at a grocery store, this isn't meant to be a career. It’s to help you build independence and responsibility.

    2. I lived with some friends who were going to the local university, I just didn't take any classes.

  2. Spend at least half of your free time developing skills that you want to turn into a career. Your goal here is to work for free to develop those skills and network with influential people in the industry you want to be in.

    1. I started freelance writing for a publication called Collegiate Starleague. They ran university esports tournaments.

  3. Expect to do this for the next 2-4 years while everyone else is in university. There's a good chance you'll have an entry level job somewhere in an industry you think you want by then. And, you’ll have work skills that are more valued by employers than kids coming out of university.

  4. In the meantime you can be working on things like investing, fitness and relationships. Don't stress too much about nailing those things right away.

    1. I started late on this one, I would certainly get to work earlier on these areas.

Now, some advice:

Don't be afraid to change directions. Remember you have time.

In 10 years I've gone from esports writing > social media marketing > travel photography > concert/model photography > axe throwing marketer > car wash marketing manager > building an online brand about helping young guys.

The first thing you pick isn’t going to be where you end up. That's okay because you're going to stack up skills along the way that will still be applicable to your next job!

If you’re reading this post that means you’re actively seeking advice on how to succeed at age 18. You are so far ahead of your peers, you have no idea.

Thank you for reading this far, I’m humbled! Could I ask you for a small favour? Sharing this newsletter with 1 person is completely free and it’s the best way to support me!


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