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  • Here's My Exact Plan To Retire With $11,813,717.56

Here's My Exact Plan To Retire With $11,813,717.56

A step by step blueprint.

Before we start today I just wanted to mention I’ve kicked off a new Discord community for like-minded young guys who want to improve together. Personal growth can be hard alone, but it doesn’t have to be!

This week you're going to learn how to retire with money that could change your family for generations.

Why should that be your target? How about:

  • Flying business class forever

  • Never looking at the prices on a menu

  • Paying for your kids and grandkids homes, tuition and weddings

  • Transforming your community

  • Building your dream home

Unfortunately, many people don't set foot on this path to freedom. 50% of people in the USA hold no investments of any kind.

But why?

Fear and misunderstanding are the primary blockers

There's a handful of reasons why you could be hesitant about investing for your future:

  • Fear of losing your hard-earned money.

    • We’ve grown up in an era of 3 catastrophic stock market crashes (2000, 2008, 2020)

  • Insufficient financial education.

  • A misunderstanding of compound interest.

But here's the good news: these barriers are fake news, I'm going to guide you on exactly how to do it.

Here's the blueprint, step by step:

Step 1: Begin Investing as Early as Possible

The sooner you start, the more time your money has to compound and multiply.

The most important thing is not how much you invest but the amount of time you leave it alone. If we were to retire at 65, based on our monthly contributions we would have invested ~$1.1M. The other $10.7M is interest.

That seems like magic.

There is a reason Einstein called compound interest the 8th wonder of the world.

Step 2: Automate Your Investments

This is where a good chunk of people fail. Manual investing leads to missed contributions when finances feel tight.

The solution? Automate your contributions to your investment account.

The benefit is two-fold: consistent contributions and an unnoticed decrease in your monthly spending power.

This is what we do - a portion of our paychecks are automatically channeled into index and mutual funds without any energy from us.

Step 3: Teach Your Children About The Plan

Building wealth is easy. Keeping wealth is hard. 90% of families lose their wealth by the third generation. That would be your grandkids.

The root of this starts with education. Teaching your kids financial literacy and the importance of being smart with money. I’ve seen people put stipulations in their wills mandating a certain degree of understanding before being given an inheritance.

Step 4: The Kicker

All of the calculations I’ve told you about today rely on the following information:

  • We contribute $1,500 a month to investing.

  • This does not include Emily’s pension contributions.

  • We never receive a raise in the next 30 years of our working lives.

  • We inherit $0 from the passing of family members.

Based on all of that information it is likely we will end up with significantly more money than what I told you earlier.

Hopefully this breakdown allows you to see that a small amount of work and some patience can lead to wealth that almost doesn’t seem real!

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