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  • How 1 Doctor is Waging a War on Mental Health

How 1 Doctor is Waging a War on Mental Health

Protect your brain with the BRIGHT MINDS system

Dr. Daniel Amen is a psychiatrist, brain disorder specialist, New York Times bestselling author and director of the Amen clinics.

He was also the primary researcher behind the study of traumatic brain injuries in NFL players.

He argues that traditional mental health treatment often focuses on symptom management through medication or therapy, without addressing the underlying biological factors that contribute to these conditions.

By shifting the focus to brain health, Dr. Amen believes that you can take a more proactive approach to maintaining optimal cognitive function and reducing the risk of mental health issues or neurodegenerative conditions.

He uses the acronym BRIGHT MINDS to address the causes of poor brain health.

You and I can steal his framework to improve our brain function:

B - Blood Flow

It is essential to maintain healthy blood flow to the brain to ensure optimal cognitive function. To support good blood flow you should avoid smoking, alcohol, caffeine, maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

R - Retirement & Aging

As you age, maintain an active lifestyle and engage in stimulating activities to keep the brain healthy. Activities like reading, playing games, puzzling, learning new skills, and socializing.

It is being discovered that loneliness (ie. not socializing) is linked to premature death.

I - Inflammation

Chronic inflammation in the body leads to damaged brain cells and contributes to the development of neurodegenerative diseases. To reduce inflammation, you should maintain a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, exercise regularly, manage stress and avoid smoking.

G - Genetics

Genetic factors can increase the risk of developing certain brain disorders. While you cannot change your genetics, you can take steps to reduce your risk by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing other risk factors.

“Genetics load the gun, but our choices pull the trigger”

H - Head Trauma

Head injuries, particularly repeated concussions, can lead to long-term brain damage and cognitive impairment.

T - Toxins

Exposure to environmental toxins like heavy metals and pesticides, can contribute to cognitive impairment and hormone disruption. To reduce exposure to toxins Dr. Amen recommends an app called Think Dirty.

Additionally, avoid plastics 1,3,6,7 as they are more likely to leech toxins than 2,4 or 5.

M - Mental Health

Psychological and emotional factors can also impact brain health. To maintain your mental health you should manage stress and seek support from friends and family.

I - Immunity

A healthy immune system is critical for protecting the brain from infections and other illnesses. 60% of the population is deficient in Vitamin D (the primary vitamin for immune support).

A recent study has shown that people taking a Vitamin D supplement decrease their risk of Alzheimer’s by 40%.

N - Neurohormone Deficiencies

Hormone changes can impact brain function. Particularly in menopause and andropause. Progesterone (the anti-stress hormone) in women drops 10 years before starting menopause. This can lead to marital stress with an unknown cause.

Dr. Amen recommends getting hormone levels checked every year.

D - Diabesity

Diabetes and obesity are both risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases. Alzheimer’s is now being referred to as Type 3 Diabetes. There is also a link between obesity and decreased brain mass.

S - Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for good brain health. Check out my researched tips on sleep.

I’m 21 words over this week. Sue me ;)

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