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  • How To Become High-Agency

How To Become High-Agency

And, why it should matter to you!

One of last week’s episodes of the Modern Wisdom podcast got me thinking about a concept we often overlook: agency.

It's a fancy term for something straightforward - the ability to make decisions, take action, and influence your own life.

I recently put together what I’m calling The Refined Man-ifesto. It’s the vision for what I hope those who follow DSTLLD can become (myself included).

A big part of that is taking control of your life, refusing to play the victim, and making decisions that align with your values, even when it’s hard.

All of that is simply high-agency in action.

This study found that a sense of autonomy in teenagers can enhance career decision-making. It’s also been shown to lead to greater happiness and life satisfaction.

So, how can we cultivate high-agency? Here are some steps I'm working on:

  1. Embrace Autonomy:

    1. Make Independent Decisions: Practice making decisions without seeking approval from others. Start with small decisions, then gradually choose bigger ones. This will let you know you’re forming your own opinions.

    2. Establish Boundaries: Learn to say no when something doesn't align with your goals or values. It's okay to prioritize yourself.

  2. Take Action:

    1. Start Small: Begin with tasks that contribute to your larger goals. This could be as simple as learning how to cook a new weeknight meal. I love Ethan’s stuff!

    2. Embrace Imperfection: Start now and adjust along the way. It’s easier to steer a moving ship than a stationary one.

  3. Have A Growth Mindset:

    1. Learn Continuously: Dedicate time each day to learning something new. Whether it's reading a book, watching a YouTube video or listening to a podcast.

    2. Ask for Feedback: Ask people your trust for feedback. Use their insights to improve. Mr Beast asks people to “roast” his videos in order to improve.

  4. Be More Resilient:

    1. Have a Mindfulness Practice: Engage in activities like meditation or journaling that can help you stay present, manage stress and learn about yourself.

    2. Reframe Failures: Instead of viewing failures as setbacks, see them as learning opportunities.

  5. Find Positive Relationships:

    1. Surround Yourself with Positive People: Spend time with people who inspire and support you.

    2. Show Appreciation: Regularly express gratitude to the people in your life. It can strengthen your relationships and boost your own happiness.

Here are a couple things to identify other high-agency people (that you can apply to yourself):

  • They update their beliefs based on new information

  • They are resourceful

  • They have the ability to make significant change

  • They challenge the status quo

  • They look for non-traditional content

  • They are excellent innovators

  • They are able to bend environments to their will

Remember, being a high-agency individual is not about controlling everything. It's about taking responsibility and making conscious choices that align with your values and aspirations.

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