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  • How To Waste Your 20s

How To Waste Your 20s

And why it's actually a good thing...

When I was 19, I knew I was in the wrong place.

You’ve already heard this story. I was sitting alone in the stairwell of my dorm. I felt defeated. Inadequate. Lost.

I had my next 10 years planned out. Go to university. Coast like high school. Become an architect. Build cottages. Make money and start a life.

Instead I got… Learn to write, travel Asia for 8 months, try to be a professional video game streamer, become a marketing expert and spend 2 years learning music photography.

I felt like I had wasted the first 20 years of my life…

It turns out I was right and wrong.

I knew nothing about the world, but the next 10 years of my life taught me more than I could have hoped for as that scared little kid

The Perfect Career Path:

It doesn't exist... Don't waste your time trying to figure out what you want to do at 18 without experiencing life first. Gone are the days of 40 years, a pat on the back, a gold watch and a pension check!

Take Risks:

Everyone but your parents will tell you that your 20s are the best time to take risks. My mom had some very different plans for me after high school. With less dependants and responsibilities there will never be a better time to take big risks.

Don't Focus TOO Hard On Money:

Compound interest is important. Investing in yourself is also important. The money will come as a result of the skills you gain and the experience you gather.

Take Breaks:

Tim Ferriss talks about lifestyle design & mini-retirements. What better time than when you're full of life & energy. I spent 7 months travelling Thailand and then 4 months making memories with new friends. My whole worldview changed in less than a year.

Ask For Help:

In my 20s I've had 12-15 people I've treated as mentors. They may not have known it... I absorbed as much information as I could before moving to the next phase of my growth. Marketing, business, management, photography skills... all fast tracked with mentors.

You're In The 3rd Inning:

Being a Toronto sports fan I know a thing or two about having my heart ripped out and stomped on at the end of a game. Life is the most important game. Spend the first few innings learning everything you can. Hit home runs for the rest of the game.

You’re not supposed to know everything at 19.

I no longer think about that day on the stairs. No more feelings of being lost. I didn’t have a map, but I did draw one on my journey.

I’ll do my best to lay out my map and hopefully we can fill in the missing areas together.

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