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  • The System I Use To Never Forget Anything

The System I Use To Never Forget Anything

Readwise x Notion

I hated reading.

I scored “Needs Improvement” in every learning skill in my Grade 12 English class. I like reading now…

You know something has to be different.

Anyone else watch the movies for your book reports?

I'm about to explain how to remember more and get the most out of what you read.

Unfortunately, the bookworms are right. Reading is the most powerful way to gain knowledge and improve your critical thinking skills. But, it can be a challenge to remember everything you've read.

By setting up a system that helps you store and recall information, you can maximize the value of your reading. And, make it more enjoyable.

I felt overwhelmed by not remembering important info. This made reading feel like a waste of time.

Lack of an effective system is the primary reason why.

Other reasons you struggle to remember things include:

  • Inefficient note-taking methods

  • Inability to recall important points when needed

  • Failure to apply the knowledge

  • Overwhelm from consuming too much

Don't worry! I'm going to show you how to overcome these issues and set up a system to save you brain space.

Your brain is for having ideas, not for holding them.

Here's how, step by step:

Step 1: Set up Readwise and link it to your Kindle, iPad or eReader.

Sorry paper book lovers. You can import paper highlights using the Readwise app but it is tedious.

It's crucial to have a centralized platform where you can store and access your highlights. Readwise is the tool for this.

It syncs with your Kindle or eReader and stores your highlights in an organized manner.

Readwise can also import highlights from other popular “read-it-later” tools like Instapaper or Pocket.

Step 2: Develop a habit of highlighting and taking notes.

People fail to remember information because they don't engage with it while reading. Highlight important passages and take notes. You can enhance your understanding and make it easier to recall things later.

This should also increase your enjoyment level while reading.

Step 3: Use Readwise to export your highlights to Notion and build your Second Brain. (Optional)

This step is optional. On it’s own, Readwise serves as a content hub. It will also email you 5 previous highlights every morning.

The goal is to create a system that allows you to access and apply the knowledge you've gained. Tiago Forte's Building a Second Brain concept is perfect for this.

By exporting to Notion, you can create a database that becomes your "Second Brain." It can then be supplemented with other Notion templates. This system will help you recall information and connect ideas from different sources.

To export your highlights to Notion, follow the instructions provided by Readwise.

By following these steps and setting up an effective system, you'll be able to explore the full potential of the books/articles you read. You’ll also unlock a new level of enjoyment in your reading.

Happy reading!

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